How we manage District Finances


The discipline we bring to maintaining and protecting your water is consistent with our stewardship of the District's financial resources. We take a conservative approach to adequately plan for dependable service, ongoing maintenance and the demands of growth. This is serious business and that's how we treat our responsibilities.

How your water and sewer rates are set.
The Board of Commissioners review revenue requirements annually based on the District's budget development. The Board has the final authority to set the water and sewer rates.

Before revising rates, we conduct public hearings that provide you with an opportunity to voice your comments and concerns about potential rate increases.

Where does your money go?
When you pay your bill, the money goes directly into protecting, operating and maintaining the water and sewer infrastructure for current and future needs. There are no other departments or distractions to divert these resources away from protecting and delivering your water and providing dependable sewer service. Our sole focus is the pipes, tanks, technology and experts to keep it running smoothly. And because your money goes directly into this vast and complex system, you actually have an ownership stake in how it's managed.